Whether you know it or not, many of the products you have on hand have an IP rating. Your phone, outdoor gear, and electronic devices have all been tested for their durability and protection against elements. In today’s world of electronics and outdoor gear, quality assurance is valued, but how is this tested? IP ratings have filled this gap, helping consumers make smarter choices with this system. A product having an IP rating signifies that the manufacturer has taken steps to ensure it meets industry standards for durability.
What does “IP” rated mean?
Originally, IP stood for ‘International Protection’ but, over time, the two letters have become linked to the term ‘Ingress Protection.’ Both can be used interchangeably, but many use the abbreviated acronym, IP as their choice of language. At its core, an IP rating tells you how well a product can withstand elements such as dust and water. The rating consists of two digits: the first one refers to protection against solids such as dust, while the second deals with liquids.
Phones are an example where IP ratings play a role in the description of the product and its use, particularly those labeled as “water-resistant” or “waterproof.” Manufacturers of these devices that have submitted their products for testing have likely undergone stringent IP testing to validate their claims. These tests are essential in determining the device’s authenticity and its ability to withstand exposure to water and other elements. Water-resistant objects should score between an IPX4 to IPX5 rating, while a waterproof object capable of submersion should have a higher rating of at least an IPX6.

How are products tested?
You may be wondering, how are these products tested and where? There are multiple certified agencies that allow manufacturers to submit their products for testing. After the products are tested at the agency, they are then given a numerical IP rating. IP testing can involve dust resistance, water durability, temperature flexibility, and impact resistance. All these factors are considered in the rating of a product.
Why is this important to know for my outdoor heaters?
Understanding IP (Ingress Protection) ratings is important when it comes to your outdoor heaters. These ratings provide valuable information about how the heater performs against weather and other varying elements.
Weather Resistance:
One of Bromic’s most frequently asked questions is, “Are outdoor patio heaters safe in the rain?” The answer to this is yes. With Bromic’s IPX4 rating, our heaters are made to withstand rainy weather. Our Platinum Marine heaters offer a higher IP rating, boasting an IPX55 rating to combat the marine layer’s salty air and elements.

Outdoor heaters are subject to various elements day in and day out. From dust to moisture in the air, these factors can take a toll on their longevity. They can endure exposure to moisture, temperature fluctuations, and dust without compromising their functionality. Outdoor heaters with adequate IP ratings require less maintenance and are less likely to suffer from corrosion or internal damage caused by exposure to outdoor elements. This saves time and effort in regular maintenance.
Safety Assurance:
Beyond durability, IP ratings also provide a layer of safety assurance. Heaters with proper IP ratings are designed to prevent any water or dust from reaching the internal components, reducing the risk of malfunctions or electrical hazards. Bromic is committed to ensuring the safety and satisfaction of our consumers. We take pride in rigorously testing our products to ensure that everyone can enjoy warmth and comfort without compromising on safety.

Certification and Assurance
Bromic proudly emphasizes its IP ratings and dedication to quality. Our outdoor heaters are globally certified for both commercial and residential outdoor use. These certifications are internationally recognized, offering consumers assurance that our products have undergone thorough testing and comply with strict standards.
Bromic Quality and Warranty
Designed with quality and safety in mind, each outdoor patio heater at Bromic comes with a warranty for its original owners. Bromic stands behind the quality of our outdoor heaters with a generous warranty policy. Our warranty spans up to 7 years for select models, offering extended protection against manufacturing defects and premature wear. This warranty coverage varies between product lines, but our commitment to quality remains consistent across all Bromic products.
Talk to a Bromic expert
At Bromic, we’re committed to providing you with the best outdoor heating solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can enhance your outdoor space.